Top Requirements When Taking A Personal Loan In Singapore

The need for a personal loan keeps rising day by day. Some may need the loan for business purposes, others, for addressing a need. Nevertheless, it would be best if you learned about the “personal loan condition” before you can take out a personal loan. The individual must first request a financial institution or a bank of his choice. However, for the file to be validated, the individual must meet a few acceptance criteria. Even if we say that this type of credit is open to everyone, there are still a few rules to follow.

What are the requirements for obtaining a personal loan?

Age: be of legal age

This first point makes it possible to oust several candidates for a personal loan. Indeed, even if this contract is indeed open to all, there is, however, a minimum age to be able to register. Only adults can apply for consumer credit. It is, therefore, an ideal alternative for young people who cannot benefit from significant savings. Be that as it may, some banks also allow minors to take out a personal loan, provided they are guaranteed by their parents or even their grandparents.

Stability: Having a reliable income

Bankers are also mainly concerned with the security of the loan applicant. The first aspect is the time of employment. The longer the person stays in the same position in a company, the better their place in the professional environment. As a result, he will be less likely to find himself unemployed. However, in the world of credit, employment is the pledge of entry of money. It goes without saying that by losing his job, the lender will no longer have the capacity to pay his debts regularly. By being stable, professionally speaking, you are, therefore, more likely to get your loan.


One of the primary obligations to take out a personal loan is to have a checking account. He must be domiciled in Singapore. Indeed, it is only with this condition that financial institutions or banks can charge your monthly payments. But it is also a way to prevent late fees. However, Singaporean nationality is not compulsory for the subscription to a personal loan; only the bank account must be.

The obligations to fulfill for “personal loan condition.”

Before subscribing to a personal loan, specific rules of the consumer code and certain obligations generally required by lending financial institutions must be observed. Most of the time, these bonds provide maximum guarantees for the bank. It must indeed ensure that the lender is well able to repay the amount borrowed within specific deadlines.

  • The borrower should generally be in good financial health. To verify this point, the bank or the credit institution can obtain information from the Singapore banking authorities. The borrower should also not have a banking ban.
  • The borrower’s salary must fully cover the deadlines without causing significant discomfort in his daily life. All loans, consumption or not, must strictly respect the rule of 33% maximum on the borrower’s overall income. Beyond this threshold, you will be less likely to have your loan.
  • Also, the borrower must agree, through a loan contract, to repay the amount borrowed in full, in addition to the interest charged by the bank. If the borrower cannot repay his monthly payments on time, the creditor has the right to charge additional terms. Before committing, therefore, consult these conditions set out in the subscription contract.
  • And even if it is not a compulsory point, having an open-ended employment contract can favor your request for credit. This contract is reimbursement insurance for banks.


Now we have seen the different requirements for obtaining a loan in Singapore. You should make sure the loan you are going for will not affect your credit score adversely. In choosing your credit lender, we advise you to stick to licensed lenders such as Crawfort micro-loan providers for the easiest and safest loans.


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